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Lexical Grammar - Selvian Leo

Lexical Grammar
Selvian Leo (Selvian Leo)

Item ID : 1436635
Seria : Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers
SKU : VV1436635
ISBN : 9781316644751

Pages : 234
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2018
Publisher : Cambridge ( Cambridge )

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This book is for anyone is interested in the relationship between grammar and vocabulary. The introduction looks at recent developments in corpus linguistics and second language acquisition research, and outlines the important role which chunks play in textual cohesion and in fluency, as well as in grammar acquisition. The practical part of the book provides practitioners with a large number of classroom suggestions and activities for making grammar teaching more lexical, and for making vocabulary practice more grammatical. Activities move from receptive to productive and can be used on their own or to supplement and enhance coursebook content.

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