Snuff - Pratchett Terry
Pratchett Terry (Pratchett Terry)
Item ID : 1437562
Seria : Discworld
SKU : VV1437562
ISBN : 9780552166751
Pages :
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2012
Publisher : Corgi book ( Corgi book )
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Pratchett Terry (Pratchett Terry)
Item ID : 1437562
Seria : Discworld
SKU : VV1437562
ISBN : 9780552166751
Pages :
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2012
Publisher : Corgi book ( Corgi book )
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Краткая аннотация
Eighth book of the original and best City Watch series. The Discworld is very much like our own - if our own were to consist of a flat planet balanced on the back of four elephants which stand on the back of a giant turtle, that is… 'The jurisdiction of a good man extends to the end of the world.' It is a truth universally acknowledged that a policeman taking a holiday would barely have had time to open his suitcase before he finds his first corpse. Commander Sam Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch is on holiday in the pleasant and innocent countryside, but not for him a mere body in the wardrobe. There are many, many bodies - and an ancient crime more terrible than murder. He is out of his jurisdiction, out of his depth, out of bacon sandwiches; and out of his mind. But never out of guile. Where there is a crime there must be a punishment. They say that in the end all sins are forgiven. Vimes is about to uncover the exception.
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