Peep Inside the Zoo (board book) - Milbourne Anna
Peep Inside the Zoo (board book)
Milbourne Anna (Milbourne Anna)
Item ID : 1441579
Seria : Usborne Peep Inside
SKU : VV1441579
ISBN : 9781409549925
Pages : 14
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2013
Publisher : Usborne ( Usborne )
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Milbourne Anna (Milbourne Anna)
Item ID : 1441579
Seria : Usborne Peep Inside
SKU : VV1441579
ISBN : 9781409549925
Pages : 14
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2013
Publisher : Usborne ( Usborne )
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Краткая аннотация
Peep under leaves and behind doors to see the animals in the zoo in this delightful flap book for young children. With flaps and holes to peep underneath and through, noisy parrots, cheeky monkeys, very tall giraffes and lots more are revealed. Sure to become a firm favourite for young animal lovers.
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