Kindness Method The Highly Effective Way to Change - Izadi Shahroo
Kindness Method The Highly Effective Way to Change
Izadi Shahroo (Izadi Shahroo)
Item ID : 1443023
SKU : VV1443023
ISBN : 9781509881833
Pages : 185
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2021
Publisher : Bluebird ( Bluebird )
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Izadi Shahroo (Izadi Shahroo)
Item ID : 1443023
SKU : VV1443023
ISBN : 9781509881833
Pages : 185
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2021
Publisher : Bluebird ( Bluebird )
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Краткая аннотация
Map your habits, set your own goals and treat yourself with the kindness you truly deserve. Shahroo Izadi has a revolutionary message: treating yourself kindly is the only way to make changes that last. She is living proof that her method works – after years of yo-yo dieting she shed over eight stone (and has kept it off ever since). Professional training coupled with personal experience led her to develop The Kindness Method, a totally non-judgemental approach which turns strict regimes upside down to leave you feeling empowered, positive and ready to embrace change. In The Kindness Method, Behavioural Change Specialist Shahroo invites you first, to give yourself a break - life can be stressful - and then learn how to strengthen your willpower like a muscle so you can sustain motivation for the long haul. These techniques may seem gentle, but the results are life-changing because the plan is tailored to you, and they can work for everything from alcohol addiction to...
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