1984. Animal Farm - George Orwell
1984. Animal Farm
George Orwell (George Orwell)
Item ID : 1463420
Seria : Магистраль. Original
SKU : VV1463420
ISBN : 9785042001437
Pages : 416
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2024
Publisher : ООО Издательство Эксмо ( OOO Izdatel'stvo Eksmo )
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George Orwell (George Orwell)
Item ID : 1463420
Seria : Магистраль. Original
SKU : VV1463420
ISBN : 9785042001437
Pages : 416
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2024
Publisher : ООО Издательство Эксмо ( OOO Izdatel'stvo Eksmo )
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Краткая аннотация
George Orwell’s 1984, which tells us about the dangers of totalitarianism, has become one of the most famous dystopias of the 20th century, along with Mikhail Zamyatin’s Us, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, and Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451. What would happen if the establishment became obsessed with ideas of fascism and dictatorship? What would society look like if the government demanded absolute submission from its citizens? What disaster could unfold in a world like this?
The fable-parable Animal Farm is full of bitter sarcasm and political satire. Those living on the farm represent the worst human vices, and the farm itself becomes the symbol of totalitarian society. How will they survive - the animals, being prepared for the slaughter?
The fable-parable Animal Farm is full of bitter sarcasm and political satire. Those living on the farm represent the worst human vices, and the farm itself becomes the symbol of totalitarian society. How will they survive - the animals, being prepared for the slaughter?
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