Work on Your Grammar: A1 -
Work on Your Grammar: A1
Item ID : 1483190
Seria : Work on Your…
SKU : VV1483190
ISBN : 9780007499533
Pages : 128
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2013
Publisher : Collins ( Collins )
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Item ID : 1483190
Seria : Work on Your…
SKU : VV1483190
ISBN : 9780007499533
Pages : 128
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2013
Publisher : Collins ( Collins )
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Аннотация к книге "Work on Your Grammar. A1" Hundreds of exercises to get you to the next level Collins Work on your Grammar - Elementary (A1) is a new practice book that covers the key grammar points needed by learners of English at Elementary level (CEF level A1). This book is an essential resource for learners who want to improve their English grammar. Each of the 30 units presents a different area of grammar using clear language and examples. This is followed by practice exercises to ensure the learner will remember and be able to use what they have learnt with confidence in their written and spoken English. The grammar covered in Collins Work on your Grammar - Elementary (A1) has been carefully selected based on Collins Corpus research and the experience of our language experts. As a result, this book provides plenty of useful practice with authentic, up-to-date examples of language usage in context. A carefully structured layout and simple illustrations make sure the language is always clear and...
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