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SNAP Revision. Unseen Poetry - Eddy Steve

SNAP Revision. Unseen Poetry
Eddy Steve (Eddy Steve)

Item ID : 1483528
Seria : Collins GCSE Grade 9-1 SNAP Revision
SKU : VV1483528
ISBN : 9780008320119

Pages : 80
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Collins ( Collins )

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Аннотация к книге "SNAP Revision. Unseen Poetry" Exam Board: AQA Level: GCSE Grade 9-1 Subject: English Literature Suitable for the 2022 exams Everything you need to revise for GCSE 9-1 unseen poetry Need extra help with the Unseen Poetry AQA GCSE Grade 9-1 Anthology ahead of the exam? Revise tricky topics in a snap with this handy new Snap Revision guide from Collins. 15 unseen poems are included along with a detailed analysis. Learn how to approach a poem and its, themes, context, poetic voice and structure with easy-to-read sections on annotations, sample analysis and quick tests. We also show you how to come up with ideas and structure a comparison of two poems. With loads of top tips throughout, plus assessment objectives, Grade 5 and Grade 7 annotated answers and exam-style practice questions, this guide has everything you need to score top marks on your AQA GCSE Grade 9-1 English Literature exam.

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