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Practice and pass Flyers Pupils Book with digital' - Pelteret Cheryl

Practice and pass Flyers Pupils Book with digital'
Pelteret Cheryl (Pelteret Cheryl)

Item ID : 1486522
Seria : Practise and Pass
SKU : VV1486522
ISBN : 9783125017726

Pages : 96
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Delta Publishing ( Delta Publishing )

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Краткая аннотация

Аннотация к книге "Practise and Pass. Flyers. Student's Book with digital extras" A fun step-by-step activity-based book for children who are preparing for the Cambridge Young Learners English Test: Flyers 3 steps to success: Prepare, Practise and Pass = Perfect! Prepare: Learn the language you need! Practise: Practise the language and task! Pass: Take the test and show what you can do! Get the certificate!

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