Whos Hiding on the Farm? (board book)' -
Whos Hiding on the Farm? (board book)'
Item ID : 1486918
Seria : Who`s Hiding Here?
SKU : VV1486918
ISBN : 9781788001823
Pages : 10
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2018
Publisher : Nosy Crow ( Nosy Crow )
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Item ID : 1486918
Seria : Who`s Hiding Here?
SKU : VV1486918
ISBN : 9781788001823
Pages : 10
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2018
Publisher : Nosy Crow ( Nosy Crow )
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Краткая аннотация
Аннотация к книге "Who's Hiding on the Farm?" There are lots of animals on the farm. Where are they hiding and what are they doing? In this innovative lift-the-flap book, little ones can pore over the beautiful collaged pages and explore behind bushes, hay bales and barn doors to find out lots of interesting facts about farmyard animals. With spreads that take readers through all four seasons, this is the perfect introduction to the outdoors.
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