The Spitfire Sisters - Dickinson Margaret
The Spitfire Sisters
Dickinson Margaret (Dickinson Margaret)
Item ID : 1487022
Seria : The Maitland Trilogy
SKU : VV1487022
ISBN : 9781529018479
Pages : 532
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2020
Publisher : Pan Books ( Pan Books )
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Dickinson Margaret (Dickinson Margaret)
Item ID : 1487022
Seria : The Maitland Trilogy
SKU : VV1487022
ISBN : 9781529018479
Pages : 532
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2020
Publisher : Pan Books ( Pan Books )
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Краткая аннотация
Аннотация к книге "The Spitfire Sisters" Family and friendship mean everything under the darkening skies of wartime Britain. The Spitfire Sisters is the third book in Margaret Dickinson's moving Maitland trilogy. It is the 1930s and the Maitland family have spent the years following the Great War struggling to come to terms with its catastrophic aftermath, and their hopes now lie with the next generation. Their Lincolnshire village of Doddington suffered terrible loss and it has taken great courage for the bereaved families to rebuild their lives without their loved ones. When war is declared again, it is Daisy Maitland and her peers who must now take up the fight for freedom. Feisty and a daredevil like her beloved Aunt Pips, who spent World War One on the front line serving with a flying ambulance corps, Daisy had persuaded a family friend to teach her to fly as a young woman. Now her country is at war, she is determined to put her skills to good use, enlisting in the Air Transport Auxiliary. There she...
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