Lampedusa - Price Steven
Price Steven (Price Steven)
Item ID : 1487026
SKU : VV1487026
ISBN : 9781529019650
Pages : 328
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2020
Publisher : Picador ( Picador )
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Price Steven (Price Steven)
Item ID : 1487026
SKU : VV1487026
ISBN : 9781529019650
Pages : 328
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2020
Publisher : Picador ( Picador )
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Краткая аннотация
Аннотация к книге "Lampedusa" In the Sicily of the 1950s, still haunted by memories of Fascism and the war, the last Prince of Lampedusa, Giuseppe Tomasi, struggles to complete his only novel, The Leopard. Tomasi is a veteran of the previous war, while his wife Alessandra is living in exile after her native Latvia is absorbed into the Soviet Union. The childless couple are survivors of a vanishing world of European aristocracy, living in the present, yet nostalgic for the decadent past. Diagnosed with advanced emphysema and with a profound awareness of his doomed lineage, the prince begins working on a novel. When The Leopard is posthumously published, it is to much acclaim; it will come to be considered the greatest Italian novel of the century. Achingly haunting, Lampedusa tells the story of a man's awakening to the possibilities of life as he nears its end.
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