A Winter Memory - Taylor Lulu
A Winter Memory
Taylor Lulu (Taylor Lulu)
Item ID : 1487042
SKU : VV1487042
ISBN : 9781529029680
Pages : 568
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2021
Publisher : Pan Books ( Pan Books )
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Taylor Lulu (Taylor Lulu)
Item ID : 1487042
SKU : VV1487042
ISBN : 9781529029680
Pages : 568
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2021
Publisher : Pan Books ( Pan Books )
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Краткая аннотация
Аннотация к книге "A Winter Memory" A house full of secrets is at the heart A Winter Memory, an absorbing family drama from bestselling author Lulu Taylor - perfect for the winter months. Now Years ago, Helen fell for the charming Hamish and was enchanted by his family home, the romantic Ballintyre House. Elegantly sat on the edge of a loch in western Scotland, the house has been home to the Ballintyre family for decades. Now, seeking refuge from a scandal that has cost Hamish his job, they are living with his older brother Charlie at the house, while his troubled mother is never too far away. Struggling with her own problems, Helen is surprised to find that Charlie's wife has vanished. No one else seems at all concerned. Where has she gone, and why? Then In 1968, sixteen-year-old Tigs is madly in love with James Ballintyre, her childhood friend and hero. When he marries another woman, her heart is broken. She knows it's hopeless but she can't help how she feels. She tries to find her...
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