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A House Through Time - Olusoga David

A House Through Time
Olusoga David (Olusoga David)

Item ID : 1487054
SKU : VV1487054
ISBN : 9781529037272

Pages : 288
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2021
Publisher : Picador ( Picador )

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Аннотация к книге "A House Through Time" In recent years house histories have become the new frontier of popular, participatory history. People, many of whom have already embarked upon that great adventure of genealogical research, and who have encountered their ancestors in the archives and uncovered family secrets, are now turning to the secrets contained within the four walls of their homes and in doing so finding a direct link to earlier generations. And it is ordinary homes, not grand public buildings or the mansions of the rich, that have all the best stories. As with the television series, A House Through Time offers readers not only the tools to explore the histories of their own homes, but also a vividly readable history of the British city, the forces of industry, disease, mass transportation, crime and class. The rises and falls, the shifts in the fortunes of neighbourhoods and whole cities are here, tracing the often surprising journey one single house can take from an elegant dwelling in a fashionable...

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