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The Pyramid of Mud - Camilleri Andrea

The Pyramid of Mud
Camilleri Andrea (Camilleri Andrea)

Item ID : 1487079
Seria : Inspector Montalbano mysteries
SKU : VV1487079
ISBN : 9781529047844

Pages : 280
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2018
Publisher : Picador ( Picador )

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Краткая аннотация

Аннотация к книге "The Pyramid of Mud" The Pyramid of Mud is the twenty-second Montalbano mystery from Italy's finest crime writer, Andrea Camilleri. It's been raining for days in Vigata, and the persistent downpours have led to violent floods overwhelming the Inspector's beloved hometown, sweeping across the land and leaving only a sea of mud behind. It is on one of these endless grey days that a man - a Mr Giuglu Nicotra - is found dead, his body discovered in a large sewage tunnel, half naked and with a bullet in his back. The investigation is slow and slippery to start with, but when Montalbano realizes that every clue he uncovers and every person he interviews is leading to the same place - the world of public spending and, with it, the Mafia - the case begins to pick up pace. But there's one question that keeps playing on Montalbano's mind: in his strange and untimely death, was Giuglu Nicotra trying to tell him something?

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