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Dead Mans Blues' - Celestin Ray

Dead Mans Blues'
Celestin Ray (Celestin Ray)

Item ID : 1487110
Seria : City Blues Quartet
SKU : VV1487110
ISBN : 9781529065626

Pages : 483
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2021
Publisher : Pan Books ( Pan Books )

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Краткая аннотация

Аннотация к книге "Dead Man's Blues" Chicago, 1928. In the stifling summer heat three disturbing events take place. A clique of city leaders is poisoned in a fancy hotel. A white gangster is found mutilated in an alleyway in the Black Belt. And a famous heiress vanishes without a trace. Pinkerton detectives Michael Talbot and Ida Davis are hired to find the missing heiress by the girl's troubled mother. But it proves harder than expected to find a face that is known across the city, and Ida must elicit the help of her friend Louis Armstrong. While the police take little interest in the Black Belt murder, crime scene photographer Jacob Russo can't get the dead man's image out of his head, and so he embarks on his own investigation. And Dante Sanfelippo - rum-runner and fixer - is back in Chicago on the orders of Al Capone, who suspects there's a traitor in the ranks and wants Dante to investigate. But Dante is struggling with problems of his own as he is forced to return to the city he thought...

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