Tall Tales and Wee Stories The Best of Billy Conn. - Connolly Billy
Tall Tales and Wee Stories The Best of Billy Conn.
Connolly Billy (Connolly Billy)
Item ID : 1487164
SKU : VV1487164
ISBN : 9781529361360
Pages : 330
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2020
Publisher : Two Roads ( Two Roads )
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Connolly Billy (Connolly Billy)
Item ID : 1487164
SKU : VV1487164
ISBN : 9781529361360
Pages : 330
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2020
Publisher : Two Roads ( Two Roads )
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Аннотация к книге "Tall Tales and Wee Stories. The Best of Billy Connolly" In December 2018, after fifty years of belly-laughs, energy and outrage, Billy Connolly announced his retirement from live stand-up comedy. It had been an extraordinary career. When he first started out in the late sixties, Billy played the banjo in the folk clubs of Scotland. Between songs, he would improvise a bit, telling anecdotes from the Clyde shipyard where he'd worked. In the process, he made all kinds of discoveries about what audiences found funny, from his own brilliant mimes to the power of speaking irreverently about politics or explicitly about sex. He began to understand the craft of great storytelling. Soon the songs became shorter and the monologues longer, and Billy quickly became recognised as one of the most exciting comedians of his generation. Billy's routines always felt spontaneous. He never wrote scripts, always creating his comedy freshly on stage in the presence of a live audience. A brilliant comic story might be subsequently discarded, adapted or...
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