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Balance Your Life and Work -

Balance Your Life and Work

Item ID : 1487400
Seria : Business essentials
SKU : VV1487400
ISBN : 9781472993212

Pages : 96
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Bloomsbury ( Bloomsbury )

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Аннотация к книге "Balance Your Life and Work. How to Get The Best From Your Job And Still Have a Life" For those hoping to improve their work/life balance, this book offers the perfect mix of clear advice and practical suggestions to help you work out your priorities, reduce your stress levels, and identify the positive steps that can make your life easier. If you feel overwhelmed by the constant juggling of different areas of your life, this book can help. There's so much pressure on many people today to succeed at work that sometimes 'real life' tends to take a backseat. With the rise in flexible working and increased options to work from home, the boundaries can become even more blurred, and your relationships with friends, family, partner, and children can all suffer as you try to cram everything into a normal day. Whether you want to reevaluate and improve your current situation, or opt for a complete change of scene with a career break, Balance Your Life and Work will help you to make all the right moves. Containing step-by-step guidance and action points, top...

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