Kids Box Level 3 Teacher's ResourceBook' - Nixon Caroline
Kids Box Level 3 Teacher's ResourceBook'
Nixon Caroline (Nixon Caroline)
Item ID : 1488504
Seria : Kid`s Box Updated 2nd Edition
SKU : VV1488504
ISBN : 9781316629451
Pages : 144
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2017
Publisher : Cambridge ( Cambridge )
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Nixon Caroline (Nixon Caroline)
Item ID : 1488504
Seria : Kid`s Box Updated 2nd Edition
SKU : VV1488504
ISBN : 9781316629451
Pages : 144
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2017
Publisher : Cambridge ( Cambridge )
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Краткая аннотация
Аннотация к книге "Kid's Box. Level 3. Teacher's Resource Book" Книга материалов для учителя содержит огромный набор дополнительных занятий, сопровождающих каждый раздел учебника, что позволяет учителям проводить занятия для детей в классах со смешанными способностями, а также тесты для подготовки к Cambridge English: Movers. An update of the well-loved course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests. The fun course for seriously good results! This seven-level course delights children and inspires teachers with its bright ideas. Perfect for general use Kid's Box Second edition is now updated with new vocabulary and activities so that it fully covers the syllabus of the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests. This Resource Book provides a huge bank of extension and reinforcement activities to accompany each unit of the Pupil's Book, enabling teachers to cater for mixed-ability classes, as well as tests to prepare for Cambridge English: Movers.
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