The Giggly Giraffe - Cobb Amelia
The Giggly Giraffe
Cobb Amelia (Cobb Amelia)
Item ID : 1488527
Seria : Zoe`s Rescue Zoo
SKU : VV1488527
ISBN : 9780857639851
Pages : 128
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2018
Publisher : Nosy Crow ( Nosy Crow )
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Cobb Amelia (Cobb Amelia)
Item ID : 1488527
Seria : Zoe`s Rescue Zoo
SKU : VV1488527
ISBN : 9780857639851
Pages : 128
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2018
Publisher : Nosy Crow ( Nosy Crow )
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Краткая аннотация
Аннотация к книге "The Giggly Giraffe" Zoe loves living at her uncle’s rescue zoo because there’s always something exciting going on. And Zoe also has an amazing secret… She can actually TALK to the animals! Something very exciting has happened at the Rescue Zoo – a giraffe has just been born! Jamie the baby giraffe’s wobbly walk on his long legs makes everyone laugh, and he just loves to play tricks! But his tricks can cause trouble, and with the Best Zoo Competition coming up, can Zoe help Jamie behave AND have fun?
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