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Mindset for IELTS 2 Student’s Book +Digital Pack - Archer Greg

Mindset for IELTS 2 Student’s Book +Digital Pack
Archer Greg (Archer Greg)

Item ID : 1488566
Seria : Mindset for IELTS
SKU : VV1488566
ISBN : 9781009280303

Pages : 203
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2023
Publisher : Cambridge ( Cambridge )

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Аннотация к книге "Mindset for IELTS with Updated Digital Pack. Level 2. Student’s Book with Digital Pack" Mindset from Cambridge gets you inside the IELTS test with a unique blend of print and online content. Topic-based units organized by skill make it easy to find what you want. Designed for students aiming for Band 6.5 in the Academic Module, this Student's Book Level 2 includes learning strategies, skills practice and exam practice to help you achieve your goal. The online workbook includes focused study to improve your IELTS skills and there are unit tests and practice tests to help develop your language and IELTS skills.

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