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Business Bench Pre-Int BULATS SB -

Business Bench Pre-Int BULATS SB

Item ID : 1488618
Seria : Business Benchmark
SKU : VV1488618
ISBN : 9781107697812

Pages : 208
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2016
Publisher : Cambridge ( Cambridge )

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Аннотация к книге "Business Benchmark. Pre-intermediate to Intermediate. BULATS Student's Book" Business Benchmark Second edition is the official Cambridge English preparation course for Cambridge English: Business Preliminary, Vantage and Higher (also known as BEC), and BULATS. A pacy, topic-based course with comprehensive coverage of language and skills for business, it motivates and engages both professionals and students preparing for working life. The BULATS Student's Book contains authentic listening and reading materials, including interviews with business people, providing models for up?to?date business language. Grammar and vocabulary exercises train students to avoid common mistakes, identified using Cambridge's unique collection of real exam candidates' answers. 'Grammar workshops' practise grammar in relevant business contexts.

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