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Intelligent Business Pre-Int Skills Bk +CD - Barrall Irene

Intelligent Business Pre-Int Skills Bk +CD
Barrall Irene (Barrall Irene)

Item ID : 1488755
Seria : Intelligent Business
SKU : VV1488755
ISBN : 9780582846920

Pages : 112
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2008
Publisher : Pearson ( Pearson )

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Аннотация к книге "Intelligent Business. Pre-Intermediate. Skills Book + CD" When your students have knowledge of the business world, they need the Intelligent Business Skills Book. This shorter course covers functional language such as 'negotiating' and 'dealing with problems' which will help them express this knowledge. The Skills Book includes an interactive multi-ROM for self-study which includes audio material. There are regular writing spreads and a 'Culture Profile' and 'Grammar Reference' at the back of the book.

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