Mr. Men Little Miss Happy Eid - Hargreaves Adam
Mr. Men Little Miss Happy Eid
Hargreaves Adam (Hargreaves Adam)
Item ID : 1488882
Seria : Mr. Men & Little Miss Celebrations
SKU : VV1488882
ISBN : 9780755504077
Pages : 32
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Farshore ( Farshore )
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Hargreaves Adam (Hargreaves Adam)
Item ID : 1488882
Seria : Mr. Men & Little Miss Celebrations
SKU : VV1488882
ISBN : 9780755504077
Pages : 32
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Farshore ( Farshore )
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Краткая аннотация
Аннотация к книге "Mr. Men Little Miss Happy Eid" The Mr Men and Little Miss are celebrating Eid! The Eid al-Fitr festival is celebrated by millions of people across the world and the Mr Men and Little Miss can't wait to join in. At the end of Ramadan, there will be a wonderful celebration with a huge feast and lots of presents. The perfect opportunity for Little Miss Splendid to wear her most splendid hat and for Mr Greedy to wear his biggest napkin! Mr Men and Little Miss Celebrations introduce children to all the exciting occasions that people celebrate including birthdays, Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Chinese New Year, Diwali and now Eid.
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