Why We Build - Moore Rowan
Why We Build
Moore Rowan (Moore Rowan)
Item ID : 1489034
SKU : VV1489034
ISBN : 9780330535823
Pages : 422
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2013
Publisher : Picador ( Picador )
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Moore Rowan (Moore Rowan)
Item ID : 1489034
SKU : VV1489034
ISBN : 9780330535823
Pages : 422
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2013
Publisher : Picador ( Picador )
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Краткая аннотация
Аннотация к книге "Why We Build" Buildings are driven by human emotions and desires; hope, power, money, sex, the idea of home. In Why We Build Rowan Moore explores the making of buildings from conception to inhabitation and reveals the paradoxical power of architecture: it looks fixed and solid, but is always changing in response to the lives around it. Moving across the globe and through history, through works of folly, beauty, spectacle, and subtlety, Moore gives a provocative and iconoclastic view of what makes architecture, why it matters, and why we find it fascinating. You will never look at a building in the same way again.
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