Where the Bodies Are Buried - Brookmyre Chis
Where the Bodies Are Buried
Brookmyre Chis (Brookmyre Chis)
Item ID : 1489055
Seria : Jasmine Sharp
SKU : VV1489055
ISBN : 9780349123356
Pages : 408
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2012
Publisher : Abacus ( Abacus )
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Brookmyre Chis (Brookmyre Chis)
Item ID : 1489055
Seria : Jasmine Sharp
SKU : VV1489055
ISBN : 9780349123356
Pages : 408
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2012
Publisher : Abacus ( Abacus )
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Краткая аннотация
Аннотация к книге "Where the Bodies Are Buried" Detective Catherine McLeod was always taught that in Glasgow, they don't do whodunit. They do score-settling, vendettas and petty revenge. And however she looks at it, the discovery of a dead drug-dealer in a back alley means she's going to be busy. Meanwhile, aspiring actress Jasmine Sharp is reluctantly - and incompetently - working for her uncle Jim's private investigation business. When Jim goes missing, Jasmine has to take on the investigator mantle for real, and her only lead points to a professional assassin who has been dead for twenty years. Soon Jasmine stumbles into a web of corruption and secrets that leaves her running for her life.
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