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Feminism Is... - Black Alexandra

Feminism Is...
Black Alexandra (Black Alexandra)

Item ID : 1489198
SKU : VV1489198
ISBN : 9780241228029

Pages : 160
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Dorling Kindersley ( Dorling Kindersley )

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Краткая аннотация

Аннотация к книге "Feminism Is.." "Why are so many women - and men - nervous about calling themselves a feminist?... It's a hopeful term... it means you believe in human rights, after all." - Gemma Cairney, foreword What is feminism? Combining insightful text with punchy illustrations, this indispensable book for young adults answers this important question with clarity, urgency, and conviction. Feminism Is... tackles more than 50 intriguing and relevant topics, such as "Are all people equal?", "Do boys and girls learn the same things?" and "Can men be feminists?" Find out what equality for women really means, get a short history of feminism, and take a look at the issues that affect women at work, in the home, and around sex and identity. Along the way you will learn about some great women, such as Gloria Steinem, Frida Kahlo, and Malala Yousafzai, "rebel girls" who refused to accept the status quo of their day and blazed a trail for others to follow. In the foreword, you will also meet Gemma Cairney,...

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