Одиссея - Гомер Г.
Гомер Г. (Gomer G.)
Item ID : 743886
Seria : Мировая классика
SKU : 448977
ISBN : 9785389057319
Pages : 480
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2023
Publisher : Азбука ( Azbuka )
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Гомер Г. (Gomer G.)
Item ID : 743886
Seria : Мировая классика
SKU : 448977
ISBN : 9785389057319
Pages : 480
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2023
Publisher : Азбука ( Azbuka )
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Краткая аннотация
Поэма «Одиссея», созданная гением легендарного эпического поэта Древней Греции Гомера, — одно из величайших произведений мировой литературы. Опасные приключения хитроумного и многострадального Одиссея (ему, страстно стремящемуся домой в Итаку, предстоит вступить в единоборство с Посейдоном, побывать в стране жестоких людоедов и на острове волшебницы Кирки, а затем отправиться к порогу царства мертвых), нежные чувства героев и страсти, бушующие на страницах поэмы, легенды и тайны, которыми овеяно прошлое, наконец, сам язык, которым написана поэма Гомера, необычайно образный и яркий, — все это вновь и вновь притягивает к себе внимание все новых читателей, вдохновляет поэтов и художников.
Brief Summary
The poem Odyssey, created by the genius of the legendary epic poet of Ancient Greece Homer, is one of the greatest works of world literature. Dangerous adventures of the dodgy and long-suffering Odyssey (he, passionately seeking home in Ithax, will enter into combat with Poseidon, visit the land of cruel cannibals and on the island of the sorceress Kirk, and then go to the threshold of the kingdom of the dead), tender feelings of heroes and passions, raging on the pages of poems, legends and mysteries, which are oval past, and finally written the language, which is written in the pages of poems, legends and mysteries, which are oval in the past, which are written in the pages of the poem, legends and mysteries, which are oval, the past, which is written in the pages of the poem, legends and mysteries, which are oval by the past, which are written in the pages of the poem, legends and mysteries, which are oval, the past, which is written in the pages of the poem, legends and mysteries, which are oval in the past, and the language of the past, which is written in the pages of the poem, legends and mysteries, which are oval with the past, which are written in the pages of the poem, legends and mysteries, which are oval with the past, and the language of the past, which is written in the pages of the poem, legends and mysteries, which are oval in the past, and the language of the past, which is written in the pages of the poem, legends and mysteries, which are oval with the past, and the language of the past, which is written in the pages of the poem, the legends and the - all this again and again attracts the attention of new readers, inspires poets and artists.
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