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Anne of Green Gables - Montgomery Lucy Maud

Anne of Green Gables
Montgomery Lucy Maud (Montgomery Lucy Maud)

Item ID : 995805
Seria : Children’s Classics
SKU : VV995805
ISBN : 9781853261398

Pages : 527
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2008
Publisher : Wordsworth ( Wordsworth )

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Краткая аннотация

When Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert apply to an orphanage for a boy to help on their farm, Green Gables, they are astonished when a loquacious little girl steps off the train instead. Anne, red-headed, pugnacious and incurably romantic, causes chaos at Green Gables and in the village, but her wit and good nature delight the fictional community of Prince Edward Island, Canada, and ensure that Anne of Green Gables continues to be a firm favourite with readers worldwide.
Anne of Avonlea continues Anne's story. Now half-past sixteen but as strong-headed and romantic as ever, Anne becomes a teacher at her old school and dreams of its improvement. But her responsible position and mature ambitions do not prevent her entanglement in the scrapes that still seem to beset her in spite of her best intentions.
Thoroughly charming and amusing, with a supporting cast of colourful and endearing characters, both books will enchant and entertain readers, guaranteeing that Anne's...

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