Смешать, но не взбалтывать. Рецепты организации мероприятий - Александр Шумович, Алексей Берлов
Smeshat', no ne vzbaltyvat'. Retsepty organizatsii meropriiatii
Александр Шумович, Алексей Берлов (Aleksandr Shumovich, Aleksei Berlov)
Item ID : 998911
Seria : МИФ. Креатив
SKU : 134265
ISBN : 9785001006244
Pages : 320
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2017
Publisher : Манн, Иванов и Фебер ( Mann, Ivanov i Feber )
Александр Шумович, Алексей Берлов (Aleksandr Shumovich, Aleksei Berlov)
Item ID : 998911
Seria : МИФ. Креатив
SKU : 134265
ISBN : 9785001006244
Pages : 320
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2017
Publisher : Манн, Иванов и Фебер ( Mann, Ivanov i Feber )
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Краткая аннотация
О книгеАлександр Шумович и Алексей Берлов, учредители компании Eventum Premo и опытные организаторы деловых событий, рассказывают о составляющих совершенного мероприятия.Из этой книги вы узнаете:Зачем нужны мероприятия и почему люди их так любят;Как разработать концепцию и сценарий события;Как выбрать подрядчиков, найти спонсоров, подготовить бюджет и презентацию;Как реализовать мероприятие и учесть все возможные нюансы;Как управлять командой event-менеджеров.Хорошо организованное мероприятие для его гостей и участников выглядит как волшебство, но за этой магией стоят проверенные технологии. С этой книгой у вас будет работающая технология, которая позволит организовывать мероприятия, учитывая все мелочи и нюансы.От авторовВ жизни много рутины и обыденности. И там, где они заканчиваются, начинаются мероприятия. И мы поговорим об этой наиболее яркой части вашей жизни.Мы, следуя от мероприятия к мероприятию, учимся, женимся, развлекаемся, знакомимся, дружим, делаем карьеру. Все важнейшие события в вашей жизни, в политике, в жизни вашей компании, так или иначе, связаны с мероприятиями. Многие значимые перемены в нашей жизни связаны с мероприятиями.Реклама, PR будут существовать еще долго. Всегда. Но в чем преимущество мероприятий? В мире, перегруженном электронными сообщениями, бесконтактными социальными сетями, человеческое общение, непосредственный контакт будет цениться все больше.Личная встреча, личное рукопожатие становится относительной редкостью, особенным моментом отношений. Мероприятия дают возможность для личного общения, личного обаяния, рукопожатия и доверия. Это момент искренности. Поэтому у мероприятий есть будущее.Для кого эта книгаЭто книга для маркетеров и специалистов из event-агентств.
Brief Summary
About the book
Alexander Shumovich and Alexey Berlov, founders of Eventum Premo and experienced organizers of business events, talk about the components of the perfect event.
From this book you will learn:
Why events are needed and why people love them so much;
How to develop a concept and scenario of an event;
How to choose contractors, find sponsors, prepare a budget and presentation;
How to implement the event and take into account all possible nuances;
How to manage an event-management team.
A well-organized event for its guests and participants looks like magic, but behind this magic are proven technologies. With this book you will have a working technology that will allow you to organize events, taking into account all the little things and nuances.
From the authors
There is a lot of routine and everyday life in life. And where they end, events begin. And we'll talk about this most vivid part of your life.
We are following from the event to...
Read the full report
About the book
Alexander Shumovich and Alexey Berlov, founders of Eventum Premo and experienced organizers of business events, talk about the components of the perfect event.
From this book you will learn:
Why events are needed and why people love them so much;
How to develop a concept and scenario of an event;
How to choose contractors, find sponsors, prepare a budget and presentation;
How to implement the event and take into account all possible nuances;
How to manage an event-management team.
A well-organized event for its guests and participants looks like magic, but behind this magic are proven technologies. With this book you will have a working technology that will allow you to organize events, taking into account all the little things and nuances.
From the authors
There is a lot of routine and everyday life in life. And where they end, events begin. And we'll talk about this most vivid part of your life.
We, following from event to event, learn, get married, have fun, meet, make friends, make a career. All the most important events in your life, in politics, in the life of your company, in one way or another, are connected with events. Many significant changes in our lives are associated with events.
Advertising, PR will exist for a long time. Always. But what is the advantage of events? In a world overloaded with electronic messages, contactless social networks, human communication, direct contact will be valued more and more.
A face-to-face meeting, a personal handshake becomes a relative rarity, a special moment of a relationship. Events provide an opportunity for personal communication, personal charm, handshakes and trust. It's a moment of sincerity. That's why events have a future.
For whom this book
This is a book for marketers and specialists from event agencies.
About the authors
Alexander Shumovich has been organizing business events in Russia and other countries for more than 20 years. At the moment he is the director and managing partner of Eventum Premo, which he founded with Alexei Berlov in 2003. Thanks to notable projects and publications, Alexander is one of the most famous representatives of the Russian event industry. He serves in the media as an author of articles and an expert on such topics as entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized businesses, the business services market in Russia and abroad, and the organization of events.
Alexander is the author of Russia's first book on the organization of events "Magnificent events" and the business bestseller "100 steps to collect debts. In 2009, together with his business partner Alexei Berlov, he wrote the book "Mix but Not Shake: Recipes for Organizing Events" and in 2016 " The Path of the Eventist. The art of holding events." For 13 years of its existence, Eventum Premo has become one of the leading event companies in Moscow and Russia. In 2015, she joined the TOP50 event-agencies of the world according to the magazine Special Events.
Alexey Berlov was born in Siberia, in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk. He was a philosopher by training and studied modern ethics and English-speaking philosophy. Almost immediately after graduating from the state school, at the time of the 24th year he founded a company providing services in the field of PR and event. A regular participant in international exhibitions in Europe. Co-author of the books "Mix, but do not shake. Recipes for organizing events," "The Path of the Eventist. The art of holding events." In 2011 he held a vipassana of India. At times, to generate ideas, stands on his head. He is fond of yoga and boxing.
Co-founder of Eventum Premo, which in 2015 joined the TOP50 event agencies of the world according to the magazine Special Events. The company is responsible for ideas and team management.
Alexander Shumovich and Alexey Berlov, founders of Eventum Premo and experienced organizers of business events, talk about the components of the perfect event.
From this book you will learn:
Why events are needed and why people love them so much;
How to develop a concept and scenario of an event;
How to choose contractors, find sponsors, prepare a budget and presentation;
How to implement the event and take into account all possible nuances;
How to manage an event-management team.
A well-organized event for its guests and participants looks like magic, but behind this magic are proven technologies. With this book you will have a working technology that will allow you to organize events, taking into account all the little things and nuances.
From the authors
There is a lot of routine and everyday life in life. And where they end, events begin. And we'll talk about this most vivid part of your life.
We are following from the event to...
Read the full report
About the book
Alexander Shumovich and Alexey Berlov, founders of Eventum Premo and experienced organizers of business events, talk about the components of the perfect event.
From this book you will learn:
Why events are needed and why people love them so much;
How to develop a concept and scenario of an event;
How to choose contractors, find sponsors, prepare a budget and presentation;
How to implement the event and take into account all possible nuances;
How to manage an event-management team.
A well-organized event for its guests and participants looks like magic, but behind this magic are proven technologies. With this book you will have a working technology that will allow you to organize events, taking into account all the little things and nuances.
From the authors
There is a lot of routine and everyday life in life. And where they end, events begin. And we'll talk about this most vivid part of your life.
We, following from event to event, learn, get married, have fun, meet, make friends, make a career. All the most important events in your life, in politics, in the life of your company, in one way or another, are connected with events. Many significant changes in our lives are associated with events.
Advertising, PR will exist for a long time. Always. But what is the advantage of events? In a world overloaded with electronic messages, contactless social networks, human communication, direct contact will be valued more and more.
A face-to-face meeting, a personal handshake becomes a relative rarity, a special moment of a relationship. Events provide an opportunity for personal communication, personal charm, handshakes and trust. It's a moment of sincerity. That's why events have a future.
For whom this book
This is a book for marketers and specialists from event agencies.
About the authors
Alexander Shumovich has been organizing business events in Russia and other countries for more than 20 years. At the moment he is the director and managing partner of Eventum Premo, which he founded with Alexei Berlov in 2003. Thanks to notable projects and publications, Alexander is one of the most famous representatives of the Russian event industry. He serves in the media as an author of articles and an expert on such topics as entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized businesses, the business services market in Russia and abroad, and the organization of events.
Alexander is the author of Russia's first book on the organization of events "Magnificent events" and the business bestseller "100 steps to collect debts. In 2009, together with his business partner Alexei Berlov, he wrote the book "Mix but Not Shake: Recipes for Organizing Events" and in 2016 " The Path of the Eventist. The art of holding events." For 13 years of its existence, Eventum Premo has become one of the leading event companies in Moscow and Russia. In 2015, she joined the TOP50 event-agencies of the world according to the magazine Special Events.
Alexey Berlov was born in Siberia, in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk. He was a philosopher by training and studied modern ethics and English-speaking philosophy. Almost immediately after graduating from the state school, at the time of the 24th year he founded a company providing services in the field of PR and event. A regular participant in international exhibitions in Europe. Co-author of the books "Mix, but do not shake. Recipes for organizing events," "The Path of the Eventist. The art of holding events." In 2011 he held a vipassana of India. At times, to generate ideas, stands on his head. He is fond of yoga and boxing.
Co-founder of Eventum Premo, which in 2015 joined the TOP50 event agencies of the world according to the magazine Special Events. The company is responsible for ideas and team management.
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