New Challenges 4 SBk - Mugglestone Patricia
New Challenges 4 SBk
Mugglestone Patricia (Mugglestone Patricia)
Item ID : 1382386
Seria : New Challenges
SKU : VV1382386
ISBN : 9781408258392
Pages : 119
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2013
Publisher : Pearson ( Pearson )
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Mugglestone Patricia (Mugglestone Patricia)
Item ID : 1382386
Seria : New Challenges
SKU : VV1382386
ISBN : 9781408258392
Pages : 119
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2013
Publisher : Pearson ( Pearson )
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Keep your students engaged and stretch their horizons with New Challenges. Do your students need to be challenged and motivated to grow? Help them build confidence, creativity and high performance with the New Challenges course. It supports students to acquire social awareness, reinforces positive values and systematically develops language skills to make the teenage learners become confident citizens of the world.
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