Fully Human. A New Way of Using Your Mind - Biddulph Steve
Fully Human. A New Way of Using Your Mind
Biddulph Steve (Biddulph Steve)
Item ID : 1487296
SKU : VV1487296
ISBN : 9781509884759
Pages : 280
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2021
Publisher : Bluebird ( Bluebird )
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Biddulph Steve (Biddulph Steve)
Item ID : 1487296
SKU : VV1487296
ISBN : 9781509884759
Pages : 280
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2021
Publisher : Bluebird ( Bluebird )
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Краткая аннотация
Аннотация к книге "Fully Human. A New Way of Using Your Mind" A mother of small children trusts her 'gut feelings' and it saves her life. A young dad is able to grieve for his lost baby - using a song. What if there were parts of our minds which we never use, but if awakened, could make us so much happier, connected and alive? What if awakening those parts could bring peace to the conflicts and struggles we all go through? From the cutting edge, where therapy meets neuroscience, Steve Biddulph explores the new concept of 'supersense' - the feelings beneath our feelings - which can guide us to a more awake and free way of living every minute of our lives. And the Four-storey Mansion, a way of using your mind that can be taught to a five-year-old, but can also help the most damaged adult. In Fully Human, Steve Biddulph draws on deeply personal stories from his own life, as well of those of his clients, and from the frontiers of thinking about how the brain works with the body and the wisdom of the 'wild...
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