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Intelligent Business Intermediate CBk + CD - Trappe Tonya

Intelligent Business Intermediate CBk + CD
Trappe Tonya (Trappe Tonya)

Item ID : 1487821
Seria : Intelligent Business
SKU : VV1487821
ISBN : 9781408255995

Pages : 176
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2017
Publisher : Pearson ( Pearson )

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Краткая аннотация

Аннотация к книге "Intelligent Business. Intermediate Business English. Coursebook with Style Guide. + CD" Intelligent Business is the Pearson award-winning business English course that features informative and authentic material from the Economist. What happens when your students haven’t worked in business before? They need to learn business concepts like mergers and acquisitions. They need to know essential career skills, like presenting and summarising. On top of this, they need to learn useful business English. The Coursebook assumes that students have a limited prior knowledge of the business world, so it teaches business concepts and skills as well as business English. There’s an authentic reading from The Economist© magazine in every unit, so you won’t have to go through the business news pages for reading texts. And every Coursebook has a free Style Guide for business letters, faxes and emails.

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